Thursday, January 24, 2013


Oblivious surroundings last seen here!  Early Times and Hot Springs don't mix 

 Bread Face... livin in car
 squirrel trying to get a nut

 got my nut

Fuck throwback thursdays.  what is in his pocket?

 This guy used to skate for Anti-hero. We found him in Modesto at a backyard ramp and Live Wire tattooed on his arm.
This guy just has tattoos

107 Webster Plumber

One time I went to 107 and Scott was on a tirade about the bathroom not being cleaned or the sink not working.  I think he channeled the inner-plumber and this is what work got done.

I think there was a plumbing problem

Part of the problem or part of the solution

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


I think we're stuck...
Packing for SF....
Lot Lizard
Mr. Pickle


I think WBS shot this one...Willie and friend

What has 14 legs and smells like shit?

Pre Instagram....

Snake charmin'...

Chris Farley Jr.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Gettin High!

Hope this makes up for the last lame post Irwin put up.
Planet of the Apes
Columbia River Gorge, on the move to S.F.

We tried....Hot springs, Los Padres N.F.

We failed....actually Holland failed after this one.  whiskey and hot springs sucks  
Point Bonita

Mr. Steves Pass

Easter gold diggin


Half Domes

Recent ventures
Scott and road trip to pick Mr. SPF in Badlands.  This is just after Scott dumped a gallon of water on the floor of the car and it froze 1" thick
Believe we didn't swim here?
Not as sorry as this one
Victro has both socks...we all know what that means.
Digitized some old photos.  They ain't the best quality, but the depict the best the of us when we were gettin high

Your highness!

Friday, January 4, 2013

Living with Baby pt. 3

For those of you not on the Facebook, here are some recent pic's of Ms. Opalina. She's 11 months now and she is really developing  fun personality. She loves blueberries to no end, and can be seen bopping to some music while in the high chair. She loves to sing, and laugh, and play play play. Feb 3rd is here big first birthday. Maybe she'll be walking by then. She's close now.