Monday, December 19, 2011

Kicking Field Goals

 Invading Grimsley Field after a little shit talk about who can and who can't kick a field goal, Brionic Creanium, The Pobanz, and I set out to prove each other wrong.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The Pixies 11.8.11

Pixies played Greensboro 11.8.11
I was their doolittle tour. Surfer Blood opened up.
It was awesome.

Cherry Grove in the Fall

For Thanksgiving and New Years it seems customary for me to be found at the beach. I love it. There's no one there, the beaches are empty and the sky is so clear.
 Blakers and I took a sunset stroll down the beach. It was the first thing we did when we rolled up to the beach house. I probably walked down that beach 6 times in a day and half. I'm gonna do it again come New Years.

 Bolineaus is quite possible the best grocery store ever. Their donut display is divine.

 Carlee wishing and fishing all for not.

Cherry Grove Pier 

Monday, November 14, 2011

backyard hoot nanny

Young pioneers

Barnyard and his buds started "Young Pioneers"for all there youngens once a month folks meet up on the first weekend of the month somewhere and camp out .I brought my nephews who had a blast.First they bounced for hours then played capture the flag ,sat by the fire a listened to stories and ate smores .Theses are the only photos I took. I'll get some better ones next month

moores spring camp ground

Wisa and I took the rig out this week end .had the entire camp ground to ourselves . I used to go to this place when I was 10 years old with my dad.Then it closed down for a # of years .It just opened back up this year. Its right on the dan river but you can look back and see hanging rock .the place has huge trees .

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Fast Times

I'm thirty seven years old. I'm not sure how it happened, but I had never seen Fast Times at Ridgemont High until this month. It's kinda like I had never seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off, or had never listened to the Beatles. It's just weird. I have no excuse.

I've now watched every minute of it countless times on fast forward and slow motion, stopping and starting, rewinding, pausing, for those perfect screenshots that made this possible. I'm typically not one for showing off, but I figured you guys would get a kick out of these.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Spring 2010, meeting of the minds in Luhville. Radar, Darnel, Jizza. Pure classics.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween in Glenwood

This wasn't the best year for trick-or-treater's, but still we had a good hall. Usually we have tons of kids all night with and without costumes supporting FoodLion bought plastic buckets or the grocery bag they came in. Darnel and Wisa came over and we had a fire in the front yard and blasted some tunes from the front room. All in all it was a great Halloween.
 This is what kid's were met with when hunting that candy


When I was a clueless kid in NC I thought California was all about the Daggers and Agent Orange. See, I was 11 when Thrashin came out, and me and Victro were damn near wearing out the "Living in Darkness" cassette we got from Schoolkids (or was it Record Bar?). It was 1986. The whole album wasn't twenty minutes long so I guess I must have flipped that poor tape 4,380 times (four times a day for three years straight)—at bare minimum. Radarluv had a 8' wide mini ramp in his yard and a Motley Crüe poster on his wall. I don't think Mom knew how far we skated to get over there. It's OK though, no matter how much we felt we were wild in the streets, we didn't run into any Daggers, and we were "Too Young to Die."

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Treat yo' Self


KHole sent this to me. forgot about it. "Pay to cum" read the church sign on the way. How many people emptied their bank accounts for this one? I think there are still people in WNC that are trying to sell their stockpiles of food from this fun Millennium change.
Country music was revived after this year.

Monday, October 17, 2011


Because this is EV and not the Federalist Papers or Workers World Daily, I thought I would include this to make a compelling argument against, (maybe for, whatever blows your skirt up,) the OWS phenom. I mean, you can hate on FOX news all you want, but do folks have to make it so easy? Ha. Forward this around to all your right wing parents friends, it will help with confirmation of their world view. I will reserve my more sober coverage for the pages of the grey lady.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Somebody Had to Say It…

What's the EV opinion poll on the national movement against banks and the financial services industry? I won't post Ghandi quotes or link to radical or establishment articles about the Occupy movement. This choir don't need preaching to but does anyone wanna comment? I know GSO is kicking off Saturday. I was at Occupy Oakland tonight, it could be over a 1,000 US cities and dozens of countries by the time you read this.

For the last couple weeks and the next few I think Americans are/will be asking and trying to answer some really difficult questions. It's beyond soundbites on all sides.

At this point you are living through/observing/participating in the largest critique (I didn't quite say revolt) against representative democracy and capitalism in your lifetime. Wow.

I have my opinions, you show yours and I'll show mine.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I'll motorcycle anywhere for a beard

Took a 4 day solo motorcycle trip to Lancaster PA from Greensboro, NC. The 2nd Annual National Beard and Moustache Championship was being held in the Lancaster minor league baseball stadium and I had a few fellow NC beard club members competing. All said and done I rode just under 1100 miles and hung out with some good friends. 

 Lunch at The Italian Job. Underwhelming to say the least.

 Texas in the house, and Paul Roof from Charleston gearing up for a throw down.

  The Electric Starfish (From Charlotte) showing off his goods to my friend Kate and I. He is a brave brave man.
Freaks are born everyday. 

Lancaster is a blast

The Electric Starfish Beard in the finals

Slight detour on my way back home

Skyline Drive looking over Shenandoah Valley.

Hanging out with Sis-n-Law at her new 3 month old job, wrenching at the VT airplane hanger in Blacksburg.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Appalachian trail

1997 - april 5th - august 5th. -2,163 miles . 5 months 5 days of nowheres to be and all day to get there . Always something to do and somewhere to go. 1) last mountain summit in maine foggy day ,once up top the clouds cleared for 5 mins with perfect views and i looked down and saw three bear ( Sow and 2 cubs) then it fogged back up.I took this photo by the sign ate some food then hiked back down the mountain. The A.T. from ga, to maine it didn't seem real that the trip was over. but the walking wasn't done yet .I still had to walk to the next town. 2). The famous mysterious uncle charlie( hell raiser)
3). River crossing ( two cables to scoot across over the water, one cable up high to hold on to and the other down low the walk on ) in Maine or new hampshire somewheres

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Seldom hit paydirt with the new Freewheel kits. I've never done acid but riding behind Seldom and Woodpile while they played grab ass the other day sure seemed like a bad trip.

But for real, if you are willing to go out in public dressed like that, you might as well look fly.