Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Somebody else's Boss

I've never been a huge Springsteen fan.

It's okay, take a breath.

I admit he's unquestionably an amazing songwriter. And I love the album Nebraska. It's lyrically beautiful, and the music is simple and raw. Everything else I've ever heard though, and granted I don't seek it out, sounded like the dude had lost his mind and hired the worst 80's band ever to ruin an otherwise good song. Harsh words, I know.

Then our good friend Jamie sends me this. It's a live album called Brixton Night from '96. It's just him and a guitar. 3 cd's. It's fucking amazing.

Each download is about 600 megs, so be patient. Thank Jamie R.


  1. I hear ya, broham. Everyone is free to give or take the Boss. I could care less… When I was in the 5th grade I heard Bad Brains and Agent Orange. When kids would come with Led Zeppelin or Hendrix I thought they were from another planet. Bruce wasn't even on the radar. I was F.V.K. all the way. Dig it: "The bourgeoisie had better watch out for me, all throughout out this so-called nation, we don't want your filthy money, we don't need your innocent bloodshed, we just want to end your world." Still rings true after all these years. I didn't grow up on Bruce, I grew into him. But I'm still F.V.K., and I hope you are too.

  2. blow away the lies that leave you nothing but lost and brokenhearted


So, ya got something to say, huh?