Thursday, April 4, 2013


Seems like the last post was a photo bomb and everyone quit posting.  I don't want to look at these on instagram or facebook.  I like the idea of the blog.  Break the technological silence

The circle mall...RIP

                                             Brandon East Bay Hang

One time we took a trip to Modesto.  Zach killed it after an invite to a backyard ramp

Brandon C would come to visit and want some hill action.  Jones??

Alameda with Vic used to be ritual. 

Brandon had a ramp in his yard and I did sweepers

Jamie took us to San Pablo to skate this pool.  Photo below is Sam Twerkin it

Berkeley Banks... Need I say more

City Boneless

When we skated Berkley Banks, we didn't have jobs WD


So, ya got something to say, huh?