Sunday, February 13, 2011

Seattle bye Ta-Ta

I haven't spent as much time in Seattle as I did this past week. Blakers and I went to see her twin sister and help celebrate her sons 1st birthday. This time around I found myself really liking the Seattle area and pondering if I could ever live there, if'n we upped and moved. I think I could. Why not? You are surrounded by mountains and lakes, it's ideal for motorcycle trips, Canada (America's hat) is near by (you gotta keep your enemies close), and there's plenty of people to scoff at.
Upon arrival we are stunned to see MetaKa had cut her hair. The shortest she has ever cut it. She looked great, but I fear this is a gateway hair cut to the Mom style dike cut/ brainiac dome fro's.
Portlandia's own Rita-b came up and visited us for one sweet day. It was a great surprise and awesome to see her. On a separate day, careblair and I zipped around on his scooter. I felt corny.
On Vashon Island, we visited on of MetaKa's dear friend. These pic's are of the house that she built. She's an amazing person that is more motivated and self propelled then any person I've met.

Funky fresh dressed to impress, ready to party

Mossy trees at Seward Park. Oh, and the sun.


So, I was super excited to find that while I was in Seattle one of my favorite bands, The Church, were going to be playing. The tour was called "Future, Past, Perfect", and it consisted of them playing three albums in their entirety. The shows on this tour were lasting anywhere from 3 1/2 to 4 hours long. Pure heaven for me, until I went to the show. I was a left distracted by their terrible projections that seemed to be controlled by an autistic 10 year old. By the time they got around to playing the "Starfish" album, the guys looked ready for a sobering shower and a nightcap. Rock stamina ain't what it used to be.

Mt. Rainer only a block from the house. Amazing

Little man opening gifts on his 1st birthday.

 A proud family 
 MetaKa happier then I have seen her in a long time. So happy.
Auntie Blakers

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