Monday, November 8, 2010

Going Faster

A few years back we got the notion to try our hand at track riding. Were we seeking adventure? Too many close calls on the back highways? Too much fuzz (a buddy got TWO tickets in one day and one of our crew got pulled doing about 140mph and was let off—"do what you want down south but slow down in San Francisco County"!!!)? Or just the need to blow through a lot of hard earned cash (either track riding is a passion for people that put everything into it or it's a leisure activity for professionals. It's a lot of wealthy middle-aged dudes on spotless Ducati's—we were the only ones that slept on the ground at the track out of 100-odd folks (nice of them to let us camp out). With tires and everything else it's easily a $500 weekend.)

When I win the lottery I'll probably still prefer to sleep on the ground but at least I'll be at the track paying my way for myself and fellow wage slaves.

Anyway, we got out a couple times. We found our brake markers, burned up tires, got to know every inch of the track (and even some of the dirt and grass next to the track), wrecked out bodies, and I wish we could do it all again tomorrow. Anybody?

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